Difference between Web2 & Web3 — an Elementary Explanation

David Abraham
3 min readMar 2, 2022


The internet as we know it is evolving. And, as it’s with every new era, there’s less dogma and more confusion — either from too much or too little information. This article promises to clear some of that confusion.

While this little piece won’t tell you everything, it will (I hope) grant you ample foundational understanding of the difference between the internet we use today (Web2), and the one nearly everyone will use, a few decades to come (Web3).


To cover the full scope, let’s start from the very beginning of the internet — web 1. Back in the good ol’ days, all you (or grandma) — a user — could ever do was look up and read information. This information was limited and supplied by a handful of large companies who had big computers which were super expensive at the time.

Web 2

Fast forward to 2001 and the boom of personal computers, etcetera, etcetera, and significant advancement in technology. Internet users could now publish content, interact with people and their content and download and re-share content.

One major similarity between Web1 and Web2 that I must mention here is that these internet platforms are owned and controlled by companies and organizations.

These companies store, have access to, and control your data and the information you publish on their platforms. And to gain access to these platforms, you had to first surrender your data. Let’s give them a nickname. Let’s call these companies Centralized platforms.

Sounds a little quirky now that you’ve read it, right? Pretty sure the geniuses behind Web3 felt similarly. Their skepticism is, perhaps, the foundation of our future.


The main aim of web3 (in my opinion anyway) is privacy, control and transparency. That is, every user (both you and grandma) can publish content, share, interact online, but this time, are in control of their data, their info is secure and private, and everyone in the network can see the ongoing activities.

Also, nobody (not even village people) can tamper it. Let’s give organizations that do this a nickname, too. Let’s call them Decentralized platforms.

How is this even possible, you may ask? Well, that’s where blockchain, cryptography and the rest come into the play. I do, however, wish to keep things simple here, so I won’t talk about them.

But keep at the back of your mind that they are the technologies that make this revolution possible


I hope that little piece has cleared some misconceptions and created understanding. You can now (if you wish) build on this strong foundation and go on to be whoever you want to on the new internet.

Remember, the possibilities are endless. The decentralized approach isn’t limited to finance and tokens alone, as many would have you believe. Its applications have the ability to influence every aspect of our lifestyles, homes and even governance. See you in the future!

Side note: This article was written during my at time Blockgames , a blockchain training organized by Nestcoin and The Zuri Team

Thank you for reading.

